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Home Brew Shop | Print |
Wine News

Fellow Home Brewers and Customers.  The AHA is sponsoring a Home Brew Shop of the Year Award  We here at Brew Depot / Beer Necessities believe that we are worthy to represent this Award for all our Customers here in Georgia.   If you agree and would like to help our store be the recepient of the Award please cllick the following link

Thank you in advance for your continued support

Cheers, The Staff at Brew Depot /Beer Necessities


Killer Cider | Print |
Wine News

Now that we have officially moved from Summer into Fall it's time to make hard cider. It's always fun to take a drive up into the North Georgia Mountains and stop by a road side stand and pick up some apple cider made from the apple trees in Gerogia. Nothing like a little warm cider on the cool morning or evening to warm the body Or just a sparkling cider with just the right amount of alcohol to warn the insides. So here's our Killer Cider recipe that's so easy to make that everyone will enjoy:

Ingredients (for 1 gallon)

  • One gallon of apple cider (all natural is best) (flash pasteurized or cold pasteurized is fine)
  • 12 ounce can of 100% granny Smith apple juice concentrate
  • 1 cup of white sugar
  • 1 packet yeast Lalvin EC 1118 if you like it dry or Safale 04 beer yeast if you like it a little sweeter


Pour out enough cider to make room in the glass jug for the concentrate and the sugar and the yeast. Mix thoroughly and place your airlock and a stopper into the glass jug. Let it ferment for 7 to 10 days at room temperature 68 - 74 degrees. If you have a hydrometer check the gravity (it should be around 1.010 or lower). Syphon the hard cider into a 2 liter plastic soda bottle. if you want to make a sparkling cider add 5 oz of sugar and cap it. Let it sit at room temperature for another week and it should be ready to drink. If you want the cider to be a still cider (no carbonation) add 1/4 teaspoon of Potassium Sorbate to kill the yeast and do not add any additional sugar. Let it sit for a week to clear and it will be ready to drink.